Catholic Schools Dues
Catholic Schools Dues are set by the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand. Accounts are issued by the Diocese of Palmerston North.
Payments are made directly to the Diocese and automatic payments can be arranged with them if preferred.
If you have any concerns about fee payments, the Principal is available to discuss them.
The Catholic Schools Dues for 2025 are $544.00 for the year.
For more information please contact the school office.
St John Bosco School Annual Charges
Each child will receive an account for school provided goods through our student management system, HERO.
The school donation for 2025 is $100.00. This helps cover the cost of the Religious Education (RE) programme, activity fees (including paper use, bus trips to locations such as the Art Gallery, Puke Ariki and Catholic Schools Sports Day etc), photocopying and sports activities.
Payments can be made directly into the school bank account, or in person via cash or EFTPOS at the school office. Automatic Payments can also be set up if preferred.
For any questions, please contact the school office.
By regulation, children are required to attend school unless prevented by illness or some special home circumstances. For the child’s safety, parents are asked to let the school know by 9.00am if their child is to be absent. This can be done by our student management system HERO, telephone, by note, by email or by oral message from another family member. If a child fails to arrive and the school is yet to be notified of the absence, the child’s home will be contacted.
The school keeps a record of children who require special and immediate attention in case of insect stings or illness. If you have a child who falls into this category, the school should be notified so that the necessary safeguards can be taken. Parents must supply the school with special antidotes if they are likely to be required. Medication taken twice daily does not need to come to school. Only the types of medication that require 3-4 doses a day need to come to the office.
Assemblies are held every second Wednesday afternoon and start at 2.15pm. We meet in the Church and include a variety of class presentations, special awards, singing, prayer, notices and a brief talk from the Principal or other staff. Our Priest, parents, caregivers, preschoolers and grandparents are all welcome.
The bus list is filled in each morning to ascertain who is going home by bus. The bell is rung at 3:20pm, and a staff member escorts the children to Paynters Ave. If your child normally catches the bus and you collect them, please notify the school office so that it may be noted on the bus list.
The school asks parents to support our strong preference that only children in Year 5 & 6 bicycle to and from school. We insist that children wear cycle helmets.
There is a sports uniform but they will only need to buy this, when they elect to join a sports team. In terms one and four it is compulsory for all children to wear a school sunhat. We say, no hat no play, if they forget their hat they are to play in the shade or inside.
Campus Clothing makes and sells our uniforms. Please contact them on 06 769 5504 for an up to date price list and availability. They are located at 94 Gill Street, CBD, New Plymouth.
We do have second hand uniforms and hold a uniform sale at least once a term. For more information contact the school office.
Boys Uniforms
Summer Uniform
- Grey Shorts
- Blue Short Sleeved School Polo Shirt
- Blue School Fleece
- Black Sandals
- School Sunhat
Winter Uniform
- Grey Shorts
- Blue Long Sleeved School Polo Shirt
- Blue School Fleece
- Blue Knee Length Socks
- Black Polishable Shoes
- Blue School Trackpants an option in colder weather
Girls Uniforms
Summer Uniform
Choice of:
- Pinafore (Suitable for Junior School)
- Culottes (Suitable for Older Girls)
- Blue Short Sleeved School Polo Shirt
- Blue School Fleece
- Black Sandals
- School Sunhat
Winter Uniform
- Pinafore/Culottes as above
- Blue Long Sleeved School Polo Shirt
- Blue School Fleece
- Blue Knee Length Socks or Blue Stockings
- Black Polishable Shoes
- Blue School Track pants an option in colder weather
School and Office Hours
School Hours
School begins at 8.50am and ends at 3.00pm but you are asked to see that your child is at school by 8.40am so that they are unpacked and ready to begin on time. Lunch break is 12.40pm to 1.30pm. There is a Brain Food break at 9.40am. Children need to have a snack ready to eat, i.e. fruit or vege. Morning break at 10.30am. (Supervised eating for 10 minutes)
Office Hours
Our Office Manager, Andrea is in the office from 8.15am – 3.45pm each day and you are asked to phone the school at this time if possible. You are welcome to make an appointment with teachers and/or the Principal if you have any concerns.
Bought Lunches

School Community Group
The School Community Group is renewed at the beginning of each year, providing essential support, services, and funding to enhance our school environment. Everyone is warmly invited to attend meetings, and fresh fundraising ideas are always appreciated.
Recent fundraising efforts have contributed to projects such as the sandpit/playscape area, the waharoa, and improvements to our pool changing rooms. Additionally, the Group plays a vital role in supporting those in need within our school community, including providing community meals.
More Information
For more information please email the office by selecting the button below